Confusing Musings is a weekly digital illustration capturing a Rorschach of musings from my week. Visual, emotional, pop-culture, anything that breaks through the fugue of the mundane to be written on the muse-scroll is fair game. Every entry is added one year after its creation. no notes, no help, just what i can remember, the rest lost to time. Part postcard / part diary / part time capsule. definitely confusing. enjoy!
1 - Hell mouse

Confusing Musings (1): Hell Mouse
Week 1: Dec 31st - 6th 2024
Hell Mouse was my first time back in the drawing saddle in quite some time. The first in the series at the time I was calling "Drew 52." Coming off of holiday stress and feeling like everything was on fire. I made an attempt to create a scene but it seems sloppy and unrefined. I like his beady, unyielding, eyes and the weird lava sky.
2 - Power trip

Confusing Musings (2): Power Trip
Week 2: Jan 7th-13th 2024
I hated the background of Power Trip for so long. I obviously whiffed my way through it and then always regretted not spending more time on it. But that's part of this, letting go, not going back and fiddling, on to the next one. I'm glad, though, it pushed me to care more about the backgrounds. I wanted to draw an EVA but, alas, not enough EXP. Floating green haired girl is an old motif from doodles gone...
3 - Space Faks

Confusing Musings (3): Space Faks
Week 3: Jan 14th-20th 2024
This was the first time I had a goal in approaching one of these musings. I used to do the cross hatched and dash line shadings when I would sketch with a pen. I don't keep that style up for long. Maybe I should return to it someday. I think this creature's expression reminded me of Fak from The Bear (great show), and I think this is where I decided that the title should "play" in some way with the picture.
4 - Reach inside

Confusing Musings (4): Reach Inside
Week 4: Jan 21st-27th 2024
The first musing that I felt really lived up to its potential. I walked away from this one happy. I don't remember the inspiration or the emotions, just that I was channeling the soul of Creepy Pasta! Something about this has an eerie, tempting vibe. What happens when you stick your hand inside the maw? Give it a try, Museling, and report back!
5 - Fin keeps reaching

Confusing Musings (5): Fin Keeps Reaching
Week 5: Jan 28th - Feb 3rd 2024
Where do I start? This is the only musing that has (or ever will be) renamed. It's original name? Naturally lost to time and I'll never tell! NEVER! Well maybe. Second admission, this was a rush job. February is a rough one every month as the gears of the world start grinding. That and I recall vividly that a fight with my spouse might have led to a huffy Muse Lord anger doodling. Hey, not all musings are happy. Keep reaching!
6 - He Got Jokes

Confusing Musings (6): He Got Jokes
Week 6: Feb 4th - Feb 10th 2024
With this musing I finally found my footing. I was not happy with my foreground and background blending and the sense of depth in the musings before. I really wanted to do something that felt “cohesive.” In all my traveling through the universe, my nephew managed to tell me a joke that I had never heard. I used that for the foundation to craft this musing, and while the true meaning and purpose of most musings are lost to time, this stands as a testament to clear purpose. Plus writing right on a doodle? Who does that? Wacky.
7 - Primal Poofs

Confusing Musings (7): Primal Poofs
Week 7: Feb 11th - Feb 17th 2024
There’s a poster of a black hole that hangs on my wall. I love the artwork and the design and it’s from a YouTube channel that I adore. I loved the shape and wanted to capture it. I also love science and I think it shows in my pen sketches. I see the dashes and the dots being ripped right from scientific diagrams. I think that’s what spoke to me, like some whispers from the beginning of the universe, swirling and surrounding a black hole, and poof, you got Primal Poofs, Muselings.
8 - Running Man

Confusing Musings (8): Running Man
Week 8: Feb 18th - Feb 24th 2024
What the heck is this dude running from? Muselings, I still don’t know. But something did NOT go well, I know that. My nephew gets credit again. I gave him my old drawing tablet after getting a new one and I showed him how to use it. We drew a little together and it was nice. His drawings remind me of mine when I was his age. I had a monster drawing club with another boy. Drawing monsters makes them a little less scary I learned. I hope my nephew isn’t scared too often. I have a book that shows you how to draw super heroes so I did one of the exercises about a person running towards you. And so he runs, but from WHAT?
9 - A Man Has Three Hearts

Confusing Musings (9): A Man Has Three Hearts
Week 9: Feb 25th - March 2nd 2024
Can I just let my weeb heart sing for a minute? My spouse and I had just gotten into Shogun, and I am a sucker for some samurai. I loved it and drank it up. Sometimes I approach a musing with a rough image in my mind. Sometimes I just have to start. This came from nothing, other than the quote echoing in my mind, “A man has three hearts…” The inverted color scheme also screams Bleach to me, which is also a comfort. Otaku Conference for life!
10 - Here you go

Confusing Musings (10): Here You Go
Week 10: March 3rd - March 10th 2024
Things really take off from here, Muselings. This was a ramp up to my worst week of my whole year. I can sense it in this musing. Things were tense, you could feel it in the air, like riding a freight train with broken brakes. Sometimes you can grab onto life and make it bend to your will and other times you’re a leaf on the breeze. I think in my heart, it felt like I needed to pop my own head off and hand it over to make the world happy. I reflect on 2025’s musing from this week and maybe sometimes there’s synchronicity to pain. Makes good art though!